I provide Back to School & Graduation photography sessions in my studio in Craughwell, and I can also visit your School or Montessori for Professional School Portraits.
For parents
Back To School Portraits are lots of fun & unique, using a variety of backgrounds, props and furniture! I record details such as their favourite colour, food and what they want to be when they grow up, and combined with a portrait - creates a cool & fun memory forever.

For parents
Mark this momentous occasion in your cap & gown, with professional portraits.

For schools
I bring my photography to your school with a fun and relaxed attitude, ensuring the atmosphere is the same for your children’s school portraits. With years of experience, and children of my own - even the non-smilers can’t resist my funniness!

For schools
I love the excitement of preschoolers on photo day! However cute they are normally, they seem to be extra cute for photo day. I take both normal and gown photos for the graduates, and of course their class photos too.